The Vivo Y300 5G will soon be launched in India, the Chinese tech brand announced on Tuesday. Vivo hasn’t revealed a launch date for the new Y-series phone, but has shared an image on social media that shows the back design. The Vivo Y300 seems to have a dual rear camera setup. It is expected to debut as a mid-range smartphone with upgrades over last year’s Vivo Y200. It is rumored to be available in three colors with a Sony IMX882 camera.
Vivo Y300 5G launch in India
Via X post, Vivo India has announced the arrival of the new Vivo Y300 5G in India. The teaser image shows the phone with a dual camera setup on the back. The camera sensors and LED flash are located vertically on the back panel. At first glance, the design of the smartphone is similar to the Vivo V40 Lite.
Vivo hasn’t revealed the exact launch date or key specs of the Vivo Y300 5G, but it’s believed to debut by the end of this month. It is expected to feature a titanium-inspired design and may be available in emerald green, phantom purple, and titanium silver. It is likely to have a Sony IMX882 portrait camera and support for 80W fast charging. It is expected to debut in the mid-range segment at a price of less than Rs. 25,000.
Vivo Y200 5G Price in India, Specifications
The Vivo Y300 5G is expected to be the successor to last year’s Vivo Y200 5G which was launched at Rs. 21,999 for the base model with 8GB RAM + 128GB storage. It is powered by a Snapdragon 4 Gen 1 SoC and features a 6.67-inch AMOLED display with Full HD+ (1080×2400 pixels) resolution and 120Hz refresh rate.
In terms of optics, the Vivo Y200 5G has a dual primary camera that includes a 64-megapixel primary sensor and a 2-megapixel secondary sensor. On the front, it packs a 16-megapixel selfie shooter. It packs a 4,800mAh battery with 44W fast charging support.