The Snapdragon 8 Elite, Qualcomm’s new SoC, was unveiled at the company’s 2024 Summit in Maui on Monday. During the keynote, Xiaomi Senior Vice President Adam Zeng announced that its next flagship Xiaomi 15 will be the first smartphone with the latest chip. The successor to the Xiaomi 14 will be unveiled by the end of this month. The Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC is built on TSMC’s 3nm process and has main cores with a maximum frequency of 4.32 GHz.
Xiaomi Senior Vice President Adam Zeng announced that the Xiaomi 15 will be the first smartphone with the Snapdragon 8 Elite processor in global markets. Qualcomm unveiled the new chipset at its ongoing annual Snapdragon Summit in Hawaii. It received Hexagon’s dedicated Neural Processing Unit (NPU), a specially designed second-generation Qualcomm Oryon processor, and an advanced AI Image Signal Processing Unit (ISP).
The Xiaomi 15 will be equipped with a Snapdragon 8 Elite processor combined with Xiaomi’s HyperCore technology. Zeng says this new technology covers performance, graphics, networking and security areas. This combination is said to reduce the Xiaomi 15’s power consumption by 29.7 percent. The upcoming phone is claimed to run 3 degrees Celsius cooler in maximum temperatures compared to the previous generation phones.
Xiaomi 15 will be presented at the end of October
Zeng also confirmed that the Xiaomi 15 series will be launched “at the end of October”. In addition to the Xiaomi 15 series, the OnePlus 13, which is scheduled to debut on October 31, and the Asus ROG Phone 9, which is scheduled to be released in November, have also confirmed the use of the Snapdragon 8 Elite chip.
However, the Xiaomi 15 will be the first in the line to reveal the capabilities of the new chipset in global markets outside of China. In India, the Realme GT 7 Pro has been confirmed to be the first phone with the new chipset.