The Samsung Galaxy S25 line is expected to be launched in early 2025. While rumors about the next series of Galaxy S chipsets are rife online, DSCC analyst Ross Young has hinted at potential color options for the Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25+ and Galaxy S25 Ultra. Additionally, a new video has surfaced online showing Samsung’s One UI 7 update running on the Galaxy S24 Ultra. The video shows new icons, widgets and animations.
Ross Young (@DSCCRoss) on X has listed four color options for the Galaxy S25 and Galaxy S25 Ultra models and five shades for the Plus variant. According to the analyst, the Galaxy S25 will be offered in Moonlit Night, Silver Shadow, Brilliant Blue and Brilliant Green.
The Galaxy S25+ will reportedly be available in Dark Black, Moonlight Blue, Shadow Silver, Shiny Blue, and Shiny Green. The most premium of the Galaxy S25 Ultra series can be presented in titanium black, titanium blue, titanium gray and titanium silver shades.
The Samsung Galaxy S24 and Galaxy S24+ this year are available in Yellow Yellow, Cobalt Purple, Marble Gray and Onyx Black. The Galaxy S24 Ultra is available in Titanium Grey, Titanium Black, Titanium Violet and Titanium Yellow.
Samsung’s One UI 7 has been unveiled online
Also, a YouTube video posted by Mobile Wala Bhai gives us a detailed look at One UI 7 running on the Galaxy S24 Ultra. The interface has updated icons, widgets, animations and more. The hands-on video shows the BXJE One UI 7 build with a new pill-shaped battery indicator and a new quick settings panel. The camera app seems to have been redesigned with the settings at the bottom. the video shows the new charging indicator when the phone is connected when it is locked.
Earlier this month at the Samsung Developer Conference 2024, Samsung previewed One UI 7 based on Android 15. The final release date is still under wraps, but it is expected to arrive with the Galaxy S25 devices. Samsung is likely to announce the Galaxy S25 series in January next year.