Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 were launched in India in July along with the Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 series, Watch Ultra and Galaxy Buds 3. Now the company has announced festive offers that allow customers to buy these Samsung products with certain benefits that will reduce the cost of their purchases. These include discounts on upgrades, cashback and bank offers on selected payment options. Samsung is also extending lower EMI rates to customers and offering cheaper Galaxy Z Assurance with the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 foldable smartphones.
Holiday offers Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6, Galaxy Z Flip
As part of a limited-time offer, the company said on Friday that customers can purchase the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 with an upgrade bonus or bank cashback worth Rs. 12,500 with 24-month no-cost EMI options. On the other hand, Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 customers can get an upgrade bonus or bank cashback worth Rs. 11,000 with a similar no-cost EMI option on select payment options.
Buyers can avail lower recurring EMI rates starting from Rs. 3,056 for the Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Rs. 4,584 for the Galaxy Z Fold 6, according to the company.Normally, standard EMI rates start at Rs. 4,082 for the folding clamshell and Rs. 6,288 for the more expensive Galaxy Z Fold 6.
Samsung adds that as part of the holiday deals, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 or Galaxy Z Flip 6 can avail the Galaxy Z Assurance program for Rs. 999, which is below the regular price of Rs. 14,999.Customers are also said to get up to Rs. 18,000 off on Galaxy Watch Ultra and up to Rs. 5000 off on Galaxy Buds 3.
All of these offers are available for a limited time, although the company has yet to announce an exact expiration date. Since these are advertised as festive offers, you can expect them to be active till Diwali.
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 price in India starts at Rs. 1,09,999 for the 12GB + 256GB variant, while the 512GB variant costs Rs. 1,21,999.
Meanwhile, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 starts at Rs. 1,64,999 for the base 12GB + 256GB option, while the 512GB and 1TB storage variants are priced at Rs. 176999 and Rs.2,00,999 respectively. The Galaxy Watch Ultra retails for Rs. 59,999, while the Galaxy Buds 3 costs Rs. 14,999.