The Realme Narzo 70 5G will be launched in India later this week, a microsite created by the company has revealed. The microsite also details the specifications and price range of the upcoming Narzo series of phones. These include an AMOLED display, an in-display fingerprint scanner, and a vapor chamber for thermal management. The Realme Narzo 70 5G, which will debut as the successor to the Realme Narzo 60 5G, will be powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 7050 SoC.
The official microsite indicates that the India launch of Realme Narzo 70 5G will take place on April 24 at 12 noon (noon) IST. The Realme Narzo 70x 5G is also slated to be unveiled at the same launch event. Realme Narzo 70 5G has been confirmed to be priced under Rs. 15,000, while the Narzo 70x 5G is priced under Rs. 12,000.
Besides revealing the launch schedule and price range, the microsite created by Realme highlights some of the key specifications of the Realme Narzo 70 5G. It shows that the smartphone will sport an AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and run on a MediaTek Dimensity 7050 SoC under the hood. It has a 4356 mm square vapor chamber system for cooling.
The Realme Narzo 70 5G has been confirmed to have a built-in fingerprint sensor for authentication. The images presented on the microsite suggest a round-shaped camera module on the handset.
The aforementioned list of specifications shows that the Realme Narzo 70 5G will debut as a new affordable competitor with upgrades over the Realme Narzo 60 5G. The latter was launched in July last year with a starting price of Rs. 17,999.
Realme last month launched the Realme Narzo 70 Pro 5G with a starting price of Rs. 18,999. It runs on the MediaTek Dimensity 7050 SoC and has a 5000mAh battery with support for 67W wired SuperVOOC charging.