The Pixel 9a is expected to be released earlier than usual, with pre-orders starting in mid-March next year. A few months before the device’s expected release window, its dimensions were leaked online. The leak indicates that the upcoming model is slightly taller and wider than the Pixel 8a. The Pixel 9a is expected to have a larger 6.3-inch display. It is believed to run on Android 15 and may run on the Tensor G4 chipset.
Alleged full Pixel 9a measurements come from the usually reliable Steve H. McFly (@OnLeaks). According to the source, the upcoming Pixel phone measures 154.7×73.2×8.9mm and could be 9.4mm thick with the camera module. The dimensions of the current Pixel 8a, for comparison, are 152.10 x 72.70 x 8.90 mm.
As you can see, the Pixel 9a won’t have much of a difference in size, although it will be taller and wider than its predecessor. The upcoming Pixel A series phone was recently reported to measure 154x73x8.5mm. It is likely to have a 6.3-inch panel, slightly larger than the Pixel 8a’s 6.1-inch display.
Pixel 9a specs (expected)
The Pixel 9a is expected to go on sale in March, with the phone available for shipping and in-store delivery by the end of March 2025. It is believed to come in porcelain (white), iris (blue-purple), obsidian (black), and peony (pink) colors.
Earlier this month, purported CAD renders of the Pixel 9a with a built-in camera body surfaced online. The phone is likely to have dual rear cameras housed in a pill-shaped module. The phone could debut with Android 15 and have seven years of updates just like its predecessor. It can run on Tensor G4 chipset.