According to the company, OxygenOS 15 will begin rolling out to eligible OnePlus smartphones and tablets later this month. The Chinese firm has confirmed that its next Android 15-based OxygenOS update will arrive with a redesigned interface, improved multitasking and smoother animations. According to the company, the upcoming OxygenOS 15 release will also introduce support for new artificial intelligence (AI)-based features.
OnePlus has announced the release date of OxygenOS 15
OnePlus confirmed on Thursday that OxygenOS 15 will be released on October 24 during an online event scheduled for 3:30 PM IST. Last year, the smartphone maker released the Android 14-based OxygenOS 14 update on September 25, and the rollout for the respective devices was completed earlier this year.
Ahead of the upcoming release date, OnePlus has also vaguely revealed some of the changes coming to OxygenOS 15. The upcoming software update will introduce a revamped user interface with improved animations. According to the smartphone maker, OxygenOS 15 will also include several AI features built into various apps.
Eligible devices for OxygenOS 15 update (pending)
The company offers three variants of OxygenOS globally — India, Global/EU, and North America — depending on where its phones were launched. The company’s OxygenOS 15 update is expected to roll out to users in various regions over the coming months.
Like previous OxygenOS software updates, OnePlus is likely to roll out OxygenOS 15 to its flagship smartphone — the OnePlus 12 — before the update hits other phones expected to receive the update, such as the OnePlus Open, OnePlus 12R, OnePlus 11, OnePlus 11R, OnePlus 10 Pro, OnePlus 10R and OnePlus 10T.
Based on the company’s update window announced at their launch, the OnePlus Nord 4, Nord 3, Nord CE 4, Nord CE4 Lite, Nord CE3 Lite and Nord CE3 are also expected to update to OxygenOS 15. Similarly, the OnePlus Pad and OnePlus Pad 2, are also likely to be updated to Android 15-based OxygenOS 15.