The OnePlus 12R was launched in India in January this year with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset paired with up to 16GB of LPDDR5x RAM. It runs on Android 14 OxygenOS 14 out of the box. Now, the company has released the stable Android 15-based OxygenOS 15 update with new features and fixes for OnePlus 12R users. Recently, OnePlus 12 users also started receiving the stable update to OxygenOS 15. Notably, the OnePlus 12R was launched alongside the OnePlus 12 flagship phone.
OnePlus 12R OxygenOS 15 update based on Android 15
OnePlus has confirmed in a community post that the stable Android 15-based OxygenOS 15 is rolling out to OnePlus 12R users in India, the European Union, North America, and other regions around the world. The 3.54GB over-the-air (OTA) update contains software version CPH2585_15.0.0.200(EX01) for Indian users. The company says the update is being rolled out in batches, so if you haven’t received it yet, you might get it soon.
Among the changes that the OnePlus 12R OxygenOS 15 update brings are smoother animations. According to the company, rendering and animation performance is powered by a graphics engine that uses parallel processing to deliver lag-free visuals, especially when multitasking and running heavy applications. Parallel processing is also said to offer smoother transitions of widgets, components and folders. The swipe sequence is said to be improved even with third-party applications, including WebView interfaces.
The OxygenOS 15 update for the OnePlus 12R comes with a refreshed home screen with a redesigned icon design, including a fine-tuned icon design with rounded corners. The OnePlus OneTake feature allows users to customize the properties of the always-on display, lock screen, and home screen. Always-On Display can support classic and flux modes (seamless, smooth animations), while “Lock screen supports clock color blending, glass textures, blurred wallpapers, AI depth effects, AI autofill, and more.” The main screen supports glass patterns, blurred wallpapers and other elements.
The OnePlus 12R OxygenOS 15 stable version comes with the updated Fluid Cloud, which is said to optimize app compatibility. Users can now capture real-time photos with up to 3-second playback and access reverse photo editing features that preserve previous versions of edits. The update also offers enhanced camera and filter integration.
The OnePlus 12R OxygenOS 15 update brings new floating window gestures along with resizable Split View windows. To open a floating window, users can swipe down on the notification banner and swipe down again to maximize it. Swiping up will close the window, and swiping to the side will hide it. Split view windows can be resized by dragging the divider or tapping to expand the display area.
OnePlus Share now allows OnePlus 12R users with OxygenOS 15 update to share files with iOS devices. The quick settings feature is also said to have been visually improved. In split mode, users can access the notification panel by swiping up to the left and quick settings by swiping up to the right.
The latest OxygenOS 15 update for the OnePlus 12R introduces a Charge Limit feature that stops charging at 80 percent, which is said to help extend battery life and minimize degradation. The company says that security and privacy features have also been improved. There are other smaller improvements that this update brings, detailed in the community post linked above.