OnePlus 12 and OnePlus 12R are getting OxygenOS 15 open beta update in India. These two phones are the first in the entire OnePlus lineup to receive an operating system (OS) update based on Android 15. The new OS update will introduce a refreshed user interface, artificial intelligence (AI) features, and faster data processing. It also integrates new Android security features such as real-time threat detection and Google Play Protect anti-theft. Additionally, the update will also add the Gemini AI assistant as the default virtual assistant for compatible phones.
OnePlus 12, OnePlus 12R OxygenOS 15 Open Beta Update
In separate community posts, the Chinese brand announced that the open beta update is only available for India at this stage. The company said it will allow users to try out the new OS. However, it should also be noted that since this is an open beta version, some features may not be available right away. Also, the version may be unstable as it is a beta version. Those who install it must accept the potential risks, the company added.
OxygenOS 15 update offers higher performance, improved design and AI capabilities. The OS update adds a full “interruption animation” that allows for faster transitions between apps. This aims to eliminate lag time even during heavy usage. The update also adds new AI-powered camera features. One such feature is AI Detail Boost, which turns low-resolution or cropped images into 4K photos.
Another such feature is AI Unblur. This improves blurring of images and makes photos sharper. Additionally, AI Reflection Eraser allows users to remove reflections from images captured through glass.
While these features are based on the company’s own AI models, OnePlus is also adding a few Gemini-based features. One of them is Circle to Search, which will now be available for compatible smartphones with the OxygenOS 15 update. Gemini will also bring a new Pass Scan feature integrated into the camera app. It can be used to quickly scan boarding passes.