Meta on Wednesday announced the expansion of Meta AI, its in-house artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, to six new countries. The UK is included in the list of countries now getting access to the AI chatbot. The social media giant also noted that the AI platform will soon expand to 15 more countries, bringing the total number of countries supported to 43. In addition to introducing Meta AI to its social media apps, the company has also added voice AI capabilities to the Ray-Ban Meta Smart glasses in the UK and Australia.
Adding an update to its post in July, where Meta AI was expanded to new regions including India for the first time, the social media giant said that the AI chatbot has been rolled out in six new countries – Brazil, Bolivia, Guatemala, Paraguay, the Philippines and the UK. In addition, support for the Tagalog language spoken in the Philippines has been added. To use the AI assistant, users in these countries can simply update Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp and should see the new Meta AI icon.
In addition, the company also added that the chatbot will soon expand to 15 more countries, including Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Thailand, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam and Yemen. Meta AI is believed to be rolled out to these locations before the end of the current year. The AI will also be updated to support Arabic, Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese languages.
The UK and Australia are also getting Meta AI capabilities on Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses with an immediate launch. However, the company has limited the AI assistant to voice features only. This means that the recently announced computer vision-based features will not be available to users in those countries.