Lenovo on Tuesday refreshed its IdeaPad Pro 5i laptop in India with the latest AI-focused Intel Core Ultra 9 processors. The creator-focused laptop features a 14-inch 2.8K OLED display and claims up to 1.5 hours of battery life on a single charge. Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5i is made according to military standards and comes in Arctic Gray color. Lenovo’s latest laptop also offers users full customization options to upgrade the base model’s configuration to suit their needs.
Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5i price, availability
Prices for the latest Intel Core Ultra laptop in India start at Rs. 1,09,990. The Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5i comes in one Arctic Gray color option and is available for purchase on Lenovo’s website, the company’s exclusive stores, e-commerce websites such as Amazon and Flipkart and other offline retailers from April 23.
Lenovo is also offering a limited-time offer that allows users to get five percent cashback up to Rs. 10,000 on all custom orders.
Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5i specifications
IdeaPad Pro 5i with Windows 11 has a 14-inch OLED screen with 2.8K resolution, 120Hz refresh rate and 100 percent DCI-P3 spectrum coverage. The screen is also TUV Eyesafe certified for low blue light emissions.
The Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5i is powered by the latest AI-focused Intel Core Ultra 9 185H processor, paired with up to 32GB of RAM and 1TB of SSD storage. The laptop has an 84 Wh battery, and Lenovo claims up to 11.5 hours of battery life on a single charge. Battery capabilities are supported by Lenovo’s Rapid Charge Express technology, which claims to charge the laptop for up to three hours of use in just 15 minutes.
The laptop has Dolby Atmos speakers and meets the MIL-STD-810H military build standard. The Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5i also comes with cooling options up to 115 W TDP and weighs 1.46 kg.