Apple introduced the iPhone 16 series last month with new camera controls, an action button on all models and new chipsets. The launch of the iPhone 17 family is still a year away, but the latest rumors suggest that Apple may have something new in store for next year’s models. A well-known analyst claims that the iPhone 17 Pro models will have a noticeable camera upgrade. The iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max are said to feature a new telephoto rear camera. Meanwhile, it is noted that the new iPhone 17 Air (Slim) model will replace the iPhone Plus model next year.
According to Macrumors, Jeff Pu of Haitong International Tech Research laid out his expectations for the iPhone 17 series in his latest research note. The analyst believes that the iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max will get a 48-megapixel rear telephoto camera and a 12-megapixel selfie camera. By comparison, the current iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max have 12-megapixel telephoto and front-facing cameras.
Additionally, the iPhone 17 Pro pair is said to come with 12GB of RAM, up from 8GB in the iPhone 16 Pro models. Upgraded memory can help improve Apple Intelligence performance and multitasking. Similarly, Pu believes that Apple will provide a “significantly narrowed dynamic island” on the iPhone 17 Pro Max model as a result of the device adopting a smaller “metal” for the Face ID system.
Like their 2024 counterparts, the iPhone 17 Pro will get a 6.3-inch display, while the iPhone 17 Pro Max will have a 6.9-inch display, the report says. Both models are said to be powered by the new A19 Pro chip, manufactured using the same 3nm TSMC process.
Technical characteristics of iPhone 17 Air
The report details the iPhone 17 Air, which is also rumored to be called the iPhone 17 Slim. Jeff Pugh reiterates that it will have a 6.6-inch display, 8GB of RAM, and Dynamic Island. It may be powered by the 3nm Bionic A19 chip, which will also be present in the vanilla iPhone 17.
In addition, the iPhone 17 Air may introduce Apple’s first 5G modem. It is said to have a 48-megapixel rear camera and a 24-megapixel front-facing camera. It is likely to have an aluminum frame. Pu says that this model will have a completely new design.
Based on previous iPhone release schedules, the iPhone 17 series is expected to be announced in September 2025 with the vanilla iPhone 17, iPhone 17 Pro, iPhone 17 Pro Max and the new thinner iPhone 17 Air. We can expect more details about the series to emerge in the coming months.