Google has reportedly started serving ads on AI Overviews, the company’s artificial intelligence (AI)-powered search experience powered by Gemini. Previously known as Search Generative Experience (SGE), the feature launched in the US earlier this year. In August, it was expanded to six more countries, including India. The tech giant has started showing relevant ads at the bottom of the interface, according to the report. Currently, ads are only shown to some users, but will likely be shown on all AI views in the future.
Google AI Reviews are starting to show ads
The Verge reports that the Mountain View-based tech giant has posted ads in AI Reviews. The move is not surprising as the company has been testing ads since May. The company seems to have decided on the placement and nature of the ad.
According to the publication, these ads are based on a search query. This means that if a user is searching for the best ballpoint pen, the AI-powered search experience will first show a list of factors to consider when buying a ballpoint pen. However, below that, users will now see a “sponsored” section where similar pens may appear with a clickable purchase link.
However, it seems that these ads were not added mindlessly. Google spokesman Craig Ewer told The Verge that ads on AI Overviews will only appear if the query has a “commercial angle.” This probably means that an academic issue is unlikely to display any sponsored product.
One of the reasons for introducing ads in AI Reviews is reportedly Google’s belief that the feature can do an effective job of connecting relevant businesses, products and services to those who might need them. However, ads are currently only shown to users in the US on smartphones. There’s no word from the company on when these ads might appear in other regions.
In August, Google added a URL icon at the end of each summary paragraph. These icons prominently display the relevant web pages listed in the information. In addition, a specific sentence taken from the source is also highlighted. The tech giant said it found that a specific placement and format gives maximum traffic to the original website.