The Pixel 9 series was unveiled in August at the Google Made By Google event. The next-generation Pixel 10 lineup isn’t expected until the second half of next year, but we’re already starting to see leaks about the 2026 Pixel 11 lineup. A new leak from Google’s chip division suggests that the tech giant plans to add an infrared (IR) camera under the display to the Pixel 11. This could enable more secure face unlock. Google used this technology on the 2019 Pixel 4 model.
Google Pixel 11 may get improved Face Unlock
A report from Android Authority, citing leaked documents from Google’s chip division, says the company is considering bringing back the under-display infrared (IR) camera on the Pixel 11. It will reportedly offer a more secure and versatile face unlock feature than face unlock the current facial authentication system, which is based on conventional front-facing color cameras.
The Google Tensor G6 chipset, which is expected to be used in the Pixel 11 series, is likely to support a new infrared camera system. The chip’s image signal processor (ISP) will reportedly have a new “simplified” interface designed specifically for this purpose. If this plan comes to fruition, it would potentially match Apple’s rumored under-display Face ID technology in 2026.
The feature is rumored to be similar to the secure face unlock offered by the Pixel 4. The Pixel 2019 phone includes two IR cameras for facial recognition that work even in the dark, but these have been removed in subsequent Pixel generations. Starting with the Pixel 7 series, all Pixel phones use a facial authentication solution that uses a conventional front-facing color camera.
Meanwhile, the placement of the regular selfie camera in the Pixel 11 model is currently unclear, but it is expected to be located in the display notch.