Apple Watch Series 10 was launched on September 9 in India. The successor to the Apple Watch Series 9 brings significant upgrades, especially in terms of processing power and battery life. However, a new teardown video of Apple’s latest line of smartwatches reveals that it might be difficult to fix. It also points to a battery capacity that the Cupertino-based tech giant didn’t reveal at the launch. Other internals of the smartwatch have also been revealed, including a larger Taptic engine. The Apple Watch Series 10 was also put to the test to find out its repairability rating.
Apple Watch Series 10 Disassembly
According to an iFixit teardown video, the Apple Watch Series 10 46mm variant has a gap of just 0.176mm, which the user has to open to access its internals. However, this process requires the application of heat to remove the adhesive that holds the battery in place. Opening the smartwatch reveals a 327 mAh battery. In comparison, the Apple Watch Series 9 reportedly packs a 308mAh battery, which is a slight upgrade over its predecessor.
The teardown also reveals a larger Taptic engine — the component that provides tactile feedback on Apple devices. iFixit says that the sensors and back glass, as well as the Apple Watch Series 10 as a whole, are difficult to repair. It received a repairability rating of 3 out of 10.
Apple Watch Series 10 Specifications
Apple Watch Series 10 has a new wide-angle OLED display and rounded corners, which makes it easier to type messages and codes. Apple says it’s its largest display ever in the standard Apple Watch line, and it’s even 40 percent brighter. It’s also claimed to be the company’s thinnest Apple Watch ever.
The Watch Series 10 is powered by the new S10 chipset with a quad-core neural engine. It now allows users to play music and podcasts directly on their smartwatch using the built-in speaker.
In terms of durability, it is water resistant up to 5ATM (50m). Apple also claims that the Watch Series 10 is its fastest-charging smartwatch to date, with up to 80 percent charge achieved in just 30 minutes of charging.