The iPhone 16 series was introduced in September this year. It includes iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max. It was recently reported that the company will be manufacturing iPhone 16 Pro variants in India, but a new report now suggests that all four iPhone 16 models will be manufactured in the country. The Cupertino-based tech giant also plans to open more retail stores in India, according to the report. Notably, Apple opened its first two stores in India in Mumbai and Delhi in April 2023.
New Apple stores in India
According to a report by MoneyControl, Apple plans to open four new retail stores in India. This could include a second store in Mumbai and new Apple Stores in Bengaluru, Pune and the Delhi-NCR region. Apple’s senior vice president of retail, Deirdre O’Brien, reportedly told the publication that the company is looking forward to expanding its retail presence in India.
The report said that the retail expansion plan is based on the success of the existing stores in Mumbai and Delhi. The two retail stores accounted for more than one-fifth of the company’s sales in the country, according to analysts cited in the report.
iPhone 16 Made in India
The above report also states that production of iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max has started in India. These locally manufactured phones will soon be available for purchase domestically and for export.
Additionally, the report states that the entire iPhone 16 lineup is also being manufactured in India. It claims that Foxconn is responsible for manufacturing the iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, and Pro Max variants, while Pegatron is responsible for the iPhone 16, 16 Plus, and iPhone 16 Pro. Meanwhile, Tata Electronics has reportedly been tasked with manufacturing the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus.
Apple currently manufactures the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus and iPhone 13 in India. According to the Economic Survey 2023-2024, iPhones worth $14 billion (roughly Rs. 1,400 crore), or 14 percent of the world’s iPhone production was assembled in India.
The government is also reportedly encouraging Apple to manufacture all its products in the country and the respective states. This is expected to increase employment opportunities at the local level. Notably, the tech giant is working on diversifying its manufacturing business outside of China.