The Realme GT 7 Pro will be launched in India on November 26 at 12:00 PM IST. The phone was launched in China earlier this month. The Indian variant is expected to be similar to the Chinese variant. The company had earlier confirmed that the India variant will be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset and will have a similar design as the Chinese version. Realme has now revealed several camera specifications and features of the phone. Realme GT 7 Pro build details have also been confirmed.
Realme GT 7 Pro camera features
The Realme GT 7 Pro will feature a 1/1.95-inch 50-megapixel Sony IMX882 periscopic telephoto lens with 3x optical zoom and 120x digital zoom, the company confirmed on its official microsite. As part of the triple rear camera setup, it will include a 1/1.56-inch 50-megapixel Sony IMX906 main sensor as well as an 8-megapixel wide-angle shooter.
In the press release, the company also said that the Realme GT 7 Pro will offer an underwater shooting mode without the use of a cover. This is made possible by its IP69-rated design, which is claimed to withstand a depth of up to 2 meters for 30 minutes. The phone also features a water-draining sound speaker, which is said to ensure that no water remains in the speaker of the smartphone.
Meanwhile, the phone’s in-display ultrasonic fingerprint sensor is said to work underwater. Users will also be able to switch between cameras, zoom, and perform other camera actions. The company said the phone will feature AI Snap Mode that will support up to 30 images per second with a shutter speed of 1/10266 second. According to the company, it can be used to capture high-speed moving objects with precision and clarity.
The Realme GT 7 Pro India variant will also support the Live Photo feature. While the company is yet to confirm the details of the phone’s front camera, the Chinese variant has a 16-megapixel sensor. The Indian version is likely to get the same selfie camera.
According to the official microsite, the Realme GT 7 Pro will be available in India in Galaxy Gray and Mars Design colors. Amazon’s microsite for the phone confirms its possible availability on the e-commerce site.