The iQOO 12 was launched in China in November 2023 with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC and a dedicated Q1 gaming chipset. It runs Android 14 OriginOS 4 in China out of the box. For global and Indian users, the phone ships with FuntouchOS 14 based on Android 14. In September this year, Vivo and iQOO smartphones started receiving the FuntouchOS 15 update based on Android 15. Now, a report says that the FuntouchOS 15 update for iQOO 12 has started rolling out to users worldwide. The phone was launched in India last December.
iQOO 12 FuntouchOS 15 update based on Android 15
According to a GSMArena report, iQOO 12 users in select global markets have started receiving the FuntouchOS 15 update based on Android 15. The 2.5GB over-the-air (OTA) update contains software version PD2307CF_EX_A_15.1.9.1.W20 and comes with the October security patch. the report says.
The changelog of the iQOO 12 FuntouchOS 15 update includes a priority scheduling algorithm and a fast dynamic effect engine that reportedly helps allocate performance resources based on requirements, thus improving smoothness. It features new Origin animation that “incorporates human factors research principles and integrates the natural laws of the physical world into the design of dynamic effects.”
The FuntouchOS 15 update for global iQOO 12 users is said to include several new static and effect wallpapers. Local videos on your phone can also be used as live wallpapers. The update introduces new clock widgets and reportedly allows users to store large folders on the home screen.
With the FuntouchOS 15 update, iQOO 12 users get an ultra-gaming mode with several quick setting options, as well as an improved screenshot capture feature. The report adds that the Smart sidebar provides access to Google Lens for quick translation of on-screen content, while Notes offers additional text editing capabilities and the ability to export to Word format. The Settings section is reported to have better categorization and hierarchy.
Among the artificial intelligence features, the FuntouchOS 15 update for iQOO 12 includes Live Transcribe, Circle to Search, and an AI erase tool that helps users get rid of unwanted things or people in their photos. The Albums app is also said to receive AI-powered cleaning suggestions to reduce storage issues.
To improve gestures, global iQOO 12 users with FuntouchOS 15 can reportedly drag the split screen to the middle of the screen to switch to a small window, and drag the small window to the edge of the app to switch to split screen mode. Launch gestures for both split screen and small window modes are said to have been improved. According to the report, users can swipe up from the bottom to the top left or right corner to quickly switch to split screen or small window mode with this update.