The Xiaomi 14 was launched in China in November 2023 and launched in India in May this year. The smartphone is powered by a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC and runs Android 14-based HyperOS out of the box. The company had previously confirmed that HyperOS 2.0 based on Android 15 would be coming to the Xiaomi 14 series phones. However, now a report says that the stable version of HyperOS 1.1 based on Android 15 has started rolling out to Xiaomi 14 users in selected regions.
Xiaomi 14 Stable update to HyperOS 1.1 based on Android 15
According to a report by STechGuide, Xiaomi 14 users in the EEA (European Economic Area) and other global regions have started receiving the HyperOS 1.1 stable update based on Android 15. For European users, it is reportedly the 125MB OS1.1.4.0.VNCEUXM version, while users in some other global regions get the OS1.1.3.0.VNCMIXM build on 127 MB. Although this version is not the latest HyperOS 2.0, it still offers several updates and provides a stable Android 15 experience for Xiaomi 14 users.
Notably, Xiaomi unveiled the Android 15-based HyperOS 2.0 update in October alongside the Xiaomi 15 series and Pad 7 lineup. It is said to include several AI-powered features and is claimed to offer improvements in performance, graphics, network and security for devices.
Changelog HyperOS 1.1 Xiaomi 14 based on Android 15
One of the key improvements that the HyperOS 1.1 stable reportedly brings to the Xiaomi 14 is the appearance of the home screen. In addition to the increased stability of the main screen, there is no more extra space at the top of the layout, and folder icons are now displayed properly.
According to the report, the Recents menu and the lock screen are more stable with this update and won’t flicker when changing Always On Display settings. Recents menu cards are reported to now reorder smoothly without judder, and screenshots in some apps no longer appear black.
Android 15-based HyperOS 2.0 is expected to arrive later this month for the Xiaomi 14, Xiaomi Mix Fold 4, Xiaomi Mix Flip and Redmi K70 lineup.