The prices of JioBharat 4G feature phones have been slashed ahead of the Diwali festival. The telco’s feature phones with 4G connectivity are currently available for Rs. 699, which is below their regular price of Rs. 999 as part of operator JioBharat’s ongoing Diwali Dhamaka offer. The new offer, announced on Saturday, will allow 2G phone users to upgrade to a JioBharat 4G phone at a discounted price. They will also be able to avail the JioBharat plan which is currently the cheapest plan for mobile phone users in the country.
JioBharat Diwali Dhamaka Offer Price
JioBharat K1 and JioBharat V2 can be purchased for Rs. 699 instead of Rs.999 as part of the company’s limited-time festive offer. 300 off will be valid during the ongoing festive season, meaning customers will be able to avail the discount till at least 3rd November.
JioBharat 4G subscribers can opt for a monthly plan priced at Rs. 123, designed for feature phone users. Jio says that this is cheaper than competing tariff plans offered by rival operators, allowing users to save Rs. 76 per month.
Without the JioBharat Diwali Dhamaka offer, customers will be able to save the equivalent of JioBharat V2 or JioBharat K1 in one year, but at a discounted price of Rs. 699 means they will actually get the phone for free after 9 months.
Benefits of JioBharat Diwali Dhamaka Offer
Customers opting for a JioBharat plan priced at Rs. 123 will get access to 14GB of data usage per month as well as unlimited voice calls. According to the operator, they will also get access to JioChat for messaging.
In addition to calls and internet services, JioBharat users will get access to over 450 live channels and access to movie streaming through JioCinema. They will also have access to live sports events and highlights on the company’s video streaming platform.
Other features available to JioBharat 4G users include the ability to make and receive payments through JioPay, including support for QR scanning. Users will also hear a sound on the feature phone when the payment is received on JioPay.
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