The Xiaomi 15 series is confirmed to debut by the end of October with Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset. The Chinese smartphone brand has yet to announce an exact launch date for the Xiaomi 15 series, but a new report suggests that it will be unveiled next week. The new lineup is said to be announced alongside the HyperOS 2.0 update, which is based on Android 15. The Xiaomi 15 is expected to sport a 6.36-inch AMOLED display with a 1.5K resolution and three rear cameras tuned by Leica.
XiaomiTime claims to have spotted the launch date of the Xiaomi 15 series Xiaomi Community App. According to the poster published by the publication, the presentation of future smartphones will take place on October 29 at 19:00 local time. The poster includes the tagline “see every light” (translated from Chinese), indicating the camera capabilities of the upcoming lineup.
The brand is expected to introduce the Android 15-based HyperOS 2.0 skin with the Xiaomi 15 series. The latest Android interface can provide several AI-based features.
Xiaomi 15 series: what we know so far
The Xiaomi 15 series will initially be limited to China, but the phones are expected to hit global markets in the coming months. Xiaomi Senior Vice President Adam Zeng previously stated that the Xiaomi 15 will be the first smartphone with the Snapdragon 8 Elite processor in global markets. It will be powered by Xiaomi’s HyperCore technology.
According to previous leaks, the Xiaomi 15 will have a 6.36-inch flat AMOLED display with a resolution of 1.5K and a refresh rate of 120Hz. It is said to feature Leica’s signature triple rear camera setup, which includes a 50-megapixel OmniVision OV50H main sensor, a 50-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 50-megapixel 3.2x telephoto camera.
The Xiaomi 15 is expected to pack a 5,500mAh battery with support for 90W wired and 50W wireless fast charging. It may have an IP68 rating. It is likely to have up to 16GB of RAM and up to 512GB of built-in storage.