Qualcomm unveiled its Snapdragon 8 Elite processor at the Snapdragon Summit in Hawaii on Monday. Shortly after the launch, Asus announced that its next gaming smartphone, the ROG Phone 9, would use the latest Snapdragon chip. The successor to the ROG Phone 8 will be announced next month. It is expected to arrive with AI features and a square design. The Asus ROG Phone 9 features a perforated display with minimal bezels and an LED backlight on the back panel.
Asus ROG Phone 9 launch date
The new Asus ROG Phone 9 will be launched on November 19 in some global markets. The presentation will take place simultaneously in Taipei at 19:00 local time, in Berlin at 12:00 and in New York at 06:00 (15:30 IST). It is confirmed to be one of the first smartphones to use the latest Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset.
The newly introduced Android mobile platform features an octa-core Oryon processor, enhanced Adreno GPU, and supports up to LPDDR5x RAM and UFS 4.0 storage. The Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC has a peak clock speed of 4.32GHz and includes a Hexagon NPU.
Asus has created a dedicated microsite to tease the launch of the ROG Phone 9. The listing has the tagline “AI on, gaming on,” suggesting the phone will come with on-device AI features and an AniMe display.
The listing includes the official renders of the ROG Phone 9, which show the phone in black with a punch-hole display design and minimal bezels, matching the design language of its predecessor. It has a square design and boasts an LED backlight along with a triple rear camera setup.
Asus will introduce the ROG Phone 9 series at the current Snapdragon Summit. It debuted as a successor to the ROG Phone 8, which was unveiled at CES 2024 alongside the ROG Phone 8 Pro.