The Huawei Watch GT 5 has been launched in India as the latest smartwatch from the Chinese company. The wearable is available in 46mm and 41mm sizes, and both variants are equipped with an AMOLED display, a rotating crown, and have a variety of sensors that enable features like sleep analysis and pulse wave arrhythmia analysis. The 46mm model is claimed to offer up to 14 days of battery life, while the smaller variant can run for up to seven days on a single charge, according to the company.
Huawei Watch GT 5 Price in India, Availability
Huawei Watch GT 5 price in India starts from Rs. 15,999 for the 41mm model which is available with black (fluoroelastomer), blue (fluoroelastomer), brown (woven) and white (composite leather) strap options. It is also sold in a gold (Milan) variant which is priced at Rs. 21,999.
The 46mm model is priced at Rs. 16,999 and can be purchased in black (fluoroelastomer), blue (woven) and brown (composite leather) strap variants. Both variants will go on sale in India on October 20 via Flipkart, but customers can already pre-order the wearable to avail the Rs. 1,000 discount.
Huawei Watch GT 5 Specifications, Features
The 46mm variant of the Huawei Watch GT 5 has a 1.43-inch AMOLED screen (466 x 466 pixels) with a pixel density of 326 ppi, while the 41 mm model has a 1.32-inch AMOLED screen with the same resolution and a pixel density of 352 ppi. The smartwatch has a rotating crown that can be used to control the device, along with a side button.
According to Huawei, the Watch GT 5 offers support for more than 100 sports modes, along with sleep analysis, pulse wave arrhythmia analysis, and menstrual cycle tracking. The Huawei TruSense feature can use 60 health and fitness metrics, according to the company.
These features are enabled by several sensors, including an accelerometer, barometer, optical heart rate sensor, magnetometer, ambient light sensor, and temperature sensor. it also touts support for its AppGallery app store as well as the ability to type on the watch screen using the company’s Celia keyboard feature.
Huawei claims that the larger 46mm Huawei Watch GT 5 offers up to two weeks of battery life, while the smaller model can deliver up to seven days of use. These numbers are much lower when the always-on display feature is enabled. It offers support for wireless charging and has an IP69 rating for dust and water resistance, as well as a water resistance rating of 5ATM (50m).
The smartwatch is compatible with the latest iOS and Android smartphones, and offers support for Bluetooth 5.2 and GPS connectivity, as well as Huawei’s Sunflower positioning system. Unlike the global model launched last month, there is no word on whether the Huawei Watch GT 5 supports NFC connectivity.
The 46mm Huawei Watch GT 5 measures 45.8 x 45.8 x 10.7mm and weighs 48g (without strap), while the 41m model measures 41.3 x 41.3 x 9.5mm and weighs about 35 g (without strap).