Reliance Jio launched its latest 4G feature phones called JioBharat V3 and JioBharat V4 at the Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) 2024 in India on Tuesday. By introducing them, the company claims to ensure that 2G users in the country can enjoy 4G services at an affordable price. The 4G feature phones boast an exclusive suite of Jio services such as JioPay integration that facilitates UPI payments, live TV services and unlimited voice calls with select recharge plans.
JioBharat V3 and V4 Price in India
JioBharat V3 and V4 price in India starts from Rs. 1,099. Jio Platforms subsidiary says its new 4G feature phones will soon be available on Amazon, JioMart and other offline stores.
Users can avail the benefits of Rs. 123 per month prepaid recharge plan to enjoy unlimited voice calls and 14GB data.
Features of JioBharat V3 and V4
Reliance Jio says its new JioBharat V3 and V4 4G phones build on the success of the JioBharat V2 that the company introduced last year. The JioBharat V3 was introduced as a style-oriented option, while the V4 model focuses on providing ease of use. Both phones come with a 1000mAh battery, expandable storage up to 128GB and support for 23 Indian languages.
The company also provides access to the JioTV app, which lets you stream over 455 live TV channels across categories like entertainment, kids and news. The entire Jio Cinema library of shows and movies is also available on JioBharat V3 and V4. The 4G feature phones come with JioChat support, which is claimed to allow users to stay in touch with their loved ones with unlimited voice messages, photo sharing and group messaging options.
Reliance Jio’s latest feature phones JioBharat V3 and V4 also come with the JioPay app, which provides UPI integration and a built-in sound box feature that can read transactions out loud.
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