The Samsung Galaxy S24 FE was launched in India and global markets last month, and details of its alleged successor have already surfaced online. According to details released by the whistleblower, the company will equip the Galaxy S25 FE with MediaTek’s latest flagship chipset next year instead of using its own Exynos mobile processor. Meanwhile, a South Korean publication reports that Samsung is considering releasing the Galaxy S25 FE as a “slim” smartphone with a thinner but larger battery.
Samsung is reportedly considering a Galaxy S25 FE model with a slim design
Elec reports (in Korean) that Samsung is considering developing the Galaxy S25 FE as a slim smartphone. Unlike the Samsung Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25+, and Galaxy S25 Ultra, which are expected to launch in early 2025, the South Korean company will most likely not release the new Fan Edition (FE) smartphone before the 3rd quarter of 2025.
This slim Samsung Galaxy S25 FE model will reportedly have a 6.7-inch screen, just like the company’s current-generation Galaxy S24 FE model. According to the publication, to achieve the supposed thin form factor, Samsung can increase the area of the battery while reducing its thickness.
Samsung isn’t the only company working on a slimmer flagship phone. Recent reports suggest that Apple is also working on a slim iPhone 17 Air (or iPhone 17 Slim), which could debut next year as the company’s thinnest phone to date in the iPhone 17 series.
The Samsung Galaxy S25 FE is expected to be powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 9400 chipset
In a post on X (formerly Twitter), whistleblower @jukanlosreve claims that Samsung was previously in talks with MediaTek to include the chipmaker’s new flagship Dimensity 9400 chipset in the Galaxy S25 series, but those discussions have now “shifted”.
(Exclusive) Talks between Samsung and MediaTek, which were originally intended to include a Dimensity chip in the Galaxy S25, have instead progressed to placing the Dimensity chip in the S25 FE. The S25 will exclusively use Snapdragon chips.
— Jukanlosreve (@Jukanlosreve) October 11, 2024
According to the source, Samsung’s upcoming flagship smartphones — the rumored Samsung Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25+, and Galaxy S25 Ultra — will feature a Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 processor (which Qualcomm has yet to announce) in early 2025.
Meanwhile, the Samsung Galaxy S25 FE could be powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 9400 chipset, the leaker claims. This means that unlike the Galaxy S24 FE, which was powered by its own Exynos 2400e processor, next year’s Galaxy S25 FE could come with a powerful MediaTek chipset.
While this suggests that Samsung may not equip its future S-series phones with successors to the Exynos 2400 or slightly lower-clocked Exynos 2400e chipsets, it’s worth noting that the Galaxy S25 series is expected in early 2025, with the Galaxy S25 FE likely to debut in the following months. These claims should be taken with a grain of salt until we hear more from the company.