Google is reportedly working on a new button on the Android lock screen that could trigger the Gemini feature. According to the report, the button appears to be similar to the Gemini icon, but could also refer to artificial intelligence (AI) in general. The new feature was spotted in the latest Android 15 beta, but it’s not currently available to testers. The button could reportedly launch the Gemini virtual assistant and offer a newer way to activate the AI-powered chatbot.
A new Gemini button has reportedly been spotted on the Android lock screen
According to a report by Android Authority, the button has been spotted in the Android 15 QPR1 Beta 2 update. It was found as a tag and is not an implemented feature that beta testers will be able to see. However, activating the flag enables a screen lock button with a single glowing icon, which the Mountain View-based company uses exclusively with Gemini.
Based on the screenshot shared by the publication, the button is placed towards the bottom of the lock screen, just below the fingerprint sensor. It’s a pill-shaped button and is larger than the fingerprint scanning area, as well as the quick action buttons located in the bottom two corners. The button reportedly did nothing when tested by the publication, but is expected to be activated with future updates.
According to the report, the button could launch the Gemini virtual assistant. While this is a possibility, currently users can already invoke the assistant in three different ways including the power button, a long press of the home button or a swipe from the top corner, as well as a verbal command “OK Google” or “Hey Google”. Adding another way to open the same function may be unnecessary.
Instead, it’s possible that the button triggers a new Gemini-powered AI feature. The timing of the feature points out that it’s unlikely to be part of the Android 15 update. Meanwhile, Android 16 isn’t expected to launch until mid-2025, when a way to use this button could be revealed. As such, it could activate a brand new functionality, similar to the camera control button of the iPhone 16 series.
It should be noted that this feature could not be verified by Gadgets 360 staff members and is not endorsed by Google in any capacity. As such, information about the Gemini AI button should be taken with a grain of salt. If the company is indeed planning such a feature, it should be revealed at next year’s I/O event.