Gigabyte has launched the Aorus CO49DQ, a new QD-OLED gaming monitor in India. The 49-inch monitor has an extra-wide curved QD-OLED screen with a resolution of 5120 x 1440 pixels and a high refresh rate of 144 Hz ideal for gaming. Gigabyte claims the Aorus CO49DQ comes with AI-powered features, two five-watt speakers and a three-year warranty. The new gaming monitor will be available for purchase in India from April 31.
Gigabyte Aorus CO49DQ Price in India
The latest gaming monitor from Gigabyte is priced at Rs. 1,29,000. It will be available online and at authorized Gigabyte outlets across India from April 31.
Gigabyte Aorus CO49DQ specifications, characteristics
The Aorus CO49DQ features a 49-inch extra-wide curved QD-OLED display with a 5120 x 1440 pixel dual quad HD 10-bit panel that has a 144Hz refresh rate, 32:9 aspect ratio, and 99 percent color coverage of the DCI-P3 scale. According to Gigabyte, the monitor’s ultra-wide screen is equivalent to two 26-inch screens in 16:9 format. The curved display also has a radius of 1800R, which according to Gigabyte eliminates screen edges and enhances immersion while gaming or performing productive tasks.
The monitor has a 0.03ms response time and AMD FreeSync Premium Pro for smooth gaming. Gigabyte claims that the monitor’s OLED Care feature runs AI-based presets in the background with minimal interference while performing other tasks. According to the company, the monitor uses an algorithm based on artificial intelligence to reduce the risk of burn-in problems.
Aorus’ new monitor also boasts high color accuracy, with 10-bit color depth and a contrast ratio of 1,000,000:1. According to Gigabyte, the Aorus CO49DQ meets the requirements of the VESA DisplayHDR True Black 400 standard, making it suitable for tasks such as video editing.
The Aorus CO49DQ also comes with an exclusive KVM switch that allows users to switch between multiple devices while using the same keyboard and mouse. The feature will work alongside Picture-in-Picture (PiP) and Picture-by-Picture (PbP) modes, Gigabyte said.
Connectivity options on the Aorus CO49DQ monitor include two HDMI 2.1 and DisplayPort 1.4 ports. It also comes with dual five-watt speakers and a built-in power supply (72W AC input power).