Lava Prowatch has been confirmed to launch in India on April 23rd. Ahead of the launch, the company revealed the watch’s design and teased some of its key features. He also confirmed the availability details of the smartwatch in the country. The upcoming Prowatch is said to be the second fitness tracker from Lava to be launched in the country. Its first fitness product, the Lava BeFIT fitness band, was launched in India in January 2021.
According to teasers on Prozone’s official social network (@ProZone_In), the Lava Prowatch will come with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection over the round display. It is claimed to be the first in its segment to come with this feature. The company is yet to reveal pricing details for the smartwatch.
Amazon’s microsite for the Lava Prowatch confirms its eventual availability on the e-commerce site. The smartwatch is slated to launch in the country on April 23 at 12:00 PM IST. Landing page for the same is available on Lava Mobiles India website.
In several posters and teasers, the Lava Prowatch is seen with a round display with a metal body, crown and button. It also comes with two strap options. The smartwatch is teased to have fitness tracking elements like a heart rate monitor. It can also come with water resistance certificate.
The Lava Prowatch is also teased to launch with interchangeable straps. It is expected to run Google’s Wear OS. Like the company’s Lava BeFIT tracker, the upcoming ProWatch may also include features like SpO2 tracking, sleep tracking, notification mirroring, and more.
The Lava BeFIT fitness band has a color display with a touch-sensitive button on the bottom. It supports GPS connectivity and has been launched in India for Rs. 2,699.